About us
Milieco - Everyone can make a difference
We all agree that our planet is fragile and must do everything in our power to save it for us and our generations that follow.
Recycling and greater education into the impact on our environment has helped reduce pollution on a large scale, we believe we can make an even greater impact if everyone migrates to using compostable, bio-degradable products in their everyday life.
Our mission is to make a difference, become more sustainable and help our planet.
The earth provides us with so many natural resources, using these resources and returning it all to nature once finished. This enables us to be both sustainable and responsible.
Our products range from a full set of tableware that is durable and strong despite being made wholly from natural plant extracts, sustainable cleaning products and biodegradable bin liners.
By introducing these products to individuals, families and groups from as little as one item orders, there is no barrier to getting involved in making that difference.
Our approach is that everyone everywhere can get involved, whether starting with a single item to try or changing everything in their daily lives.
Look through our range and try some out, we’d love to hear what you think about them too.